Safe and Secure Book Clubs: Facilitator Guide
Every family supporting a person with a disability is concerned about the future; "what will happen when we can no longer support our son and daughter?” Safe & Secure: Seven Steps on the Path to a Good Life for People with a Disability was written specifically for families struggling with this question.
Many groups are using Safe & Secure to bring families together in book clubs to work through the chapters and support each other in thinking about critical planning issues. Safe & Secure is well structured for a book club as it is broken in to seven chapters with worksheets for each that address a specific planning objective.
With the support of Law Foundation of Ontario, we are able to provide Family Networks and other groups with copies of Safe & Secure at no cost.
Additionally we have developed a Book Club Facilitation Guide that provides tips on organizing and leading book clubs in person or virtually and offers suggestions and activities for each chapter.
Our partner organizations can continue to place bulk orders at no cost for the book Safe & Secure to share with families. Please contact info@p4p.ca to submit your bulk book order. Individual orders can be placed HERE.
If you are interested in joining a P4P Safe and Secure book club or if your organization or family network would like to run their own book club facilitated by a member of the P4P team please contact Natalie Jones at info@p4p.ca.