Find Planning Supports in Ontario
Find Planning Supports in Ontario
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Independent Facilitators and Planners *
*Disclaimer: These links are provided for convenience only and we do not endorse the information contained in the sites or guarantee its accuracy, timeliness or fitness for any purpose. The content in any linked site is not under our control and if you choose to access any such site, you do so entirely at your own risk. The Facilitators and Planners listed in above are provided for convenience only. Partners for Planning does not in any way endorse or recommend the services or the service providers. Partners for Planning does not warrant the quality of the services or the trustworthiness, knowledge, skill or ability of the service providers. By accessing this Professional Service Directory Map and the list of Facilitators and Planners, you accept, acknowledge and agree that you do so at your own risk and Partners for Planning shall not be held liable for any loss or damages that may result from your use of any of the services listed herein or any dealings with the service providers listed herein.